English version
The Scientific and Organizing Committees are pleased to welcome you to the 14th Scientific Meeting on Bioinorganics, BIOCiudad Real 2025, that will be held in Ciudad Real (Spain). This meeting is promoted by AEBIN (Spanish Association of Bioinorganic Chemistry)
We aim to achieve a high scientific level, so we have invited people of consolidated prestige, but we also consider it very important to give prominence to younger people. In addition to the plenary lectures, there will be invited lectures (keynotes), oral communications, selected by the scientific committee, as well as flash and poster sessions. We hope that all of this will contribute to giving a voice to a good number of people who want to share their research.
We hope that this 14th Bioinorganics Scientific Meeting will be an enriching experience for everyone, full of learning, inspiration and opportunities for personal and professional growth.
Thank you for your presence and participation, enjoy the meeting!
Important Dates
Abstract submission
- Deadline for oral and flash abstracts: 15 March 2025 at 23:59h (Spanish peninsular time)
- Deadline for poster abstracts: 31 March 2025 at 23:59h (Spanish peninsular time)
- Deadline for acceptance of oral and flash presentations: 11 April 2025 at 23:59h (Spanish peninsular time)
Registration deadline
- Deadline for registration with price reduction: 6 April 2025.
- Registration deadline with accommodation: 1 month before the start of the meeting.
- Deadline for registration without accommodation: until the start of the meeting.
You can find the detailed program in the section “El evento” , «Programa” of this web page. Link.
The locations are the following:
- The oral sessions will take place in the Aula Magna Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba of the Biblioteca General building.
- Coffee will be served in the hall of the San Alberto Magno building of the Faculty of Chemical Sciences and Technologies.
- Posters will be displayed in the corridors of the San Alberto Magno building of the Faculty of Chemical Sciences and Technologies.
- The Welcome Reception will be held at the López Villaseñor Museum.
- The lunch on the 3rd will take place at the Exe Doña Carlota Hotel.
- The Gala Dinner will take place at (to be confirmed)
For the Gala dinner in (to be confirmed), the organization will provide a bus to and from the venue. The departure from Ciudad Real will be at 19.45 h from the entrance of the Faculty of Chemical Sciences and Technologies.
For more information about the different buildings, please visit https://www.biociudadreal.es/sedes/
The lectures and keynote speakers names are indicated in the section “El evento” , Conferenciantes” of this web page (Link).
The deadline for submission of contributions for consideration as oral communications will be 15 March 2025 at 23:59h (Spanish time, CEST, UTC+ 2h).
The deadline for poster contributions will be 30 March 2025 at 23:59h (Spanish time, CEST, UTC+ 2h).
Rules for submission and preparation of abstracts
- Abstracts may be written in English or Spanish and should be submitted exclusively using the template provided below.
- Abstracts should be sent via email to biociudadreal.25@gmail.com and identified as follows:
“type of contribution (OC, FP or P)-last name-first name of the presenting author”
OC = Oral communication; FP = Flash presentation: P = Poster
The organisation understands that a paper that is not selected for oral communication may be considered for flash presentation. If the author does not want this option, he/she should indicate it in the same email in which he/she sends the paper.
Each registered participant may appear as an author on multiple communications, but may only be the main author of one contribution to the Congress. Acceptance of these papers will be conditional, in all cases, on registration at the Congress and payment of the corresponding fee.
Todos los resúmenes serán evaluados por el Comité Científico. Si la cantidad de resúmenes presentados para ser considerados como comunicación oral y flash supera el número de plazas disponibles, el Comité Científico será el encargado de evaluarlos. Las contribuciones seleccionadas para su presentación oral serán comunicadas a sus respectivos autores responsables antes del 11 de abril de 2025, a las 23:59h (hora peninsular).
All abstracts will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee. If the number of abstracts submitted for consideration as oral communication and flash exceeds the number of places available, the Scientific Committee will be in charge of evaluating them. Contributions selected for oral presentation will be communicated to their respective responsible authors by 11 April 2025, 23:59h (Spanish time, CEST, UTC+ 2h).
Download the template in English HERE (Link)
Book of abstracts: The book of abstracts will be published on this website. Participants will be able to download it.
Rules for the presentation of oral contributions
The time of the different oral contributions in BioCiudadReal25 are:
- Plenary lectures: 40 min + 5 min discussion
- Lectures: 25 min + 5 min discussion
- Oral communications 12 min + 3 min discussion
- Flash papers: 5 min + 10 min joint discussion
We kindly ask all speakers to keep their presentation strictly within the scheduled time.
Files with oral contributions should be submitted to the organizers as early as possible, in PowerPoint or PDF format, at the latest before the first lecture of your time slot. If you need a specific facility, please contact the conference secretariat in advance.
Rules for submission of poster contributions
- The maximum size of posters must be A0 (841 × 1189 mm or 33.11 × 46.81 inches), in portrait orientation.
- Posters will be displayed in the corridors of the San Alberto Magno building of the Faculty of Chemical Sciences and Technologies.
Collection of documentation, poster session and coffee:
Faculty of Chemical Sciences and Technologies
Building: San Alberto Magno
Address: Avenida Camilo José Cela, 10, 13071, Ciudad Real
Plenary lectures, keynotes and oral communications:
Aula Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba
Building: Bernardo Balbuena,
Address: Avenida Camilo José Cela, 6, 13071 Ciudad Real
Reception or welcome cocktail:
López Villaseñor Museum
Address: C/ Reyes, 11
Gala Dinner
Hacienda La Membrilleja
The Ciudad Real Campus is connected to the city center by bus and is within easy walking distance (15 minutes’ walk from the city centre). Congress participants have the option of accommodation in single or double rooms in hotels located close to the university area.
There are several hotels in Ciudad Real with a relatively similar range of prices and characteristics. The organizers suggest the Exe Doña Carlota and Cumbria hotels for the accommodation of the participants due to their proximity to the congress venue.
Hotel Cumbria
Address: Ctra. Toledo, 26, 13005 Ciudad Real
Telephone:+34 926 25 04 04
New. At 10 minutes walking distance from the conference venue. With gym-spa
Hotel Exe Doña Carlota
Address: Rda. de Toledo, 21, 13005 Ciudad Real
Telephone:+34926 23 16 10
Quite new. At 4 minutes walking distance from the conference venue. Gym.
Registration modalities for BIO Ciudad Real 2025
Until April 6th | Until April 6th | Until April 6th | Starting from April 7th | Starting from April 7th | Starting from April 7th | |
Single room | Shared room (*) | No acommodation | Single room | Shared room (*) | No accomodation | |
Researcher AEBIN member | 520 € | 470 € | 400 € | 570 € | 510 € | 450 € |
Researcher AEBIN non-member | 580 € | 530 € | 460 € | 630 € | 570 € | 510 € |
Student AEBIN member | 330 € | 280 € | 240 € | 380 € | 320 € | 290 € |
Estudent non-AEBIN member | 360€ | 310 € | 270 € | 410 € | 350 € | 320 € |
Accompanying person | - | 240 € | 190 € | - | 290 € | 240 € |
Local organising committee | - | - | 240 € | - | - | 290 € |
External organising committee | 350 € | 300 € | 240 € | 400 € | 340 € | 290 € |
(*) The double room must be shared with a person paying the congress registration fee.
Fees include:
- Researcher with accommodation: access to the conference room, conference materials, welcome reception, coffee breaks, lunch day 3, gala dinner and accommodation.
- Researchers without accommodation: access to the conference room, conference materials, welcome reception, coffee breaks, lunch on day 3 and gala dinner.
- Accompanying person: welcome reception, gala dinner and accommodation.
Means of payment
Important: before making your payment, please do not forget to fill in the registration form below.
Bank transfer:
Account holder: Fundación General de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM)
Bank: Banco Santander
Bank address: Avenida de Alarcos 4, 13001 CIUDAD REAL – ESPAÑA
COD IBAN: ES16 0049 4907 2621 9657 5516
Account number: 0049 4907 26 2196575516
UCLM Campus de Ciudad Real
2 a 4 de junio de 2025